Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)
Strats by Phase
P1: Adelphel, Grinnaux and Charibert
- Vault Knights Toolbox
- Interrupt order: Adel tank > phys range > Adel tank
- Protean Baits: H > M > R > T
- Puddle Drops: Drop E/W Boss Relative. Alternate each drop.
P2: King Thordan
- Start + Strength of the Ward Raidplan
- Sanctity of the Ward pt. 1 - Drk Relative Dodges Raidplan
- Sanctity of the Ward pt. 2 - Meteors Raidplan
- Meteor role takes outer towers.
P3: Nidhogg
- Nidhogg Toolbox
- Westhogg (Arrows face West)
- Enumeration Adjust Priority: CW > CCW > Diagonal
P4: The Eyes
- The Eyes Toolbox
- 3rd Dive Swaps follow 1st Dive priority.
Intermission: Rewind
- Intermission Toolbox
- Tank LB as soon as Haurchefant appears
P5: King Thordan II
Wrath of the Heavens
- Wrath Toolbox
- Knights on outside = Relative North.
- Blue Defam: 4 notches NW or line below marker.
- Divebomb = opposite of the WAR (behind mage).
- Lightnings towards wall, party in front of WAR.
Death of the Heavens
- DOTH Toolbox
- WAR is relative North.
- Inner Dooms NW/NE, Outer Dooms E/W.
- Outer Dooms bait 'Circle,' then move.
DOTH Quake Dodge Image
P6: Nidhogg and Hraesvelgr
- Double Dragon Toolbox
- G1 North/Nid, G2 South/Hrae
- Rot Pass: Random DPS > Tank 1 > Tank 2 > Melee > Caster
- Tank Rot Prio: WAR>GNB>>>>PLD>DRK
Static WB2 Positions Image
P7: The Dragon King
- Dragon-King Thordan Toolbox
- MRH trinities, G1 (Numbers) then G2 (Letters)
- 3-3-2 stacks: G1 NW, G2 NE, tanks south
- 6-1-1 stacks: G1 and G2 NW, Kitchen Sinking Tank NE, Invulning Tank south
General Resources
Mitigation Sheets
Cheat Sheets and Documents
Phase 1 Markers
{"Name":"DSR Phase 1","MapID":788,
Phase 2+ Markers
{"Name":"NAUR DSR Markers","MapID":788,"A":{"X":100.0,"Y":0.0,"Z":90.5,"ID":0,"Active":true},