NAUR (NA Ultimate Raiding) is a community of high-end raiders on North American Data Centers for Final Fantasy XIV: Online. Come connect with other high-end raiders, find statics, and share the enjoyment of FFXIV's toughest content.

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Ultimate Resources

What NAUR has to offer

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Active & Inclusive Community

NAUR is an inclusive community with active staff and discussion channels. Our Discord features custom recruitment tools and bots created by our members, making it easy to find groups, recruit for high-end content, and stay connected with fellow players.

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FFXIV Resources for NA Players

Our website and Discord provide tailored resources for high-end content which include up-to-date raid-plans/toolboxes, written guides, and other learning tools and resources. Whether you're tackling Savage or Ultimate raids, we’ve got the tools you need to progress and clear them.

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Raid Events

NAUR hosts a variety of events throughout the year for NA data centers, designed to help players prog and clear high-end content. Join us for fun parties that bring the community together to achieve your raiding goals.

If you are interested in high-end content on NA Data Centers and what we have to offer, come be a part of our community!